
This is where we excel. As a small and growing church we have a great big heart. It isn’t flashing lights and loud, or tranquil and tired. Instead, it holds a community presence that has stood the test of decades of change and adapts to each passing year and steps ahead with anticipation and enthusiasm - it reflects a community of younger adults, families, and older people.

It reaches people through the Op Shop as a mission centre at the heart of the community, providing relief and aid to local and further afield organisations, it provides work placements, occupational activities, dance, sports, music, home pastoral visits, hospital care, studies, overseas tours, and good old simple care and consideration of others.

Why not join Bronwyn, Lead for ‘Community Mission & Aid’ for a day at Rotary Donations In Kind, or Kate and her team at the Op Shop and see what you can find?

Perhaps, you could walk with Gill, Peter, and Maddie, or be inspired by Jan and her team of pastoral supporters. Luke and Louise might lead you in worship, or Lee could lead you in youth.

An examination of our accounts will show just how much giving pours into the lives of others more needy than ourselves, and if you’d rather just watch, then you might just gaze at the people relaxing in the gardens, meditating in one of John’s mindfulness groups, or be inspired by Mark’s tech delivery and Mitchel’s flair for artistic musical delivery.

You will never be hungry with Karina, Barbara, and Linn, looking after your dietary needs, and if Sport is your thing then join any one of the dance and fitness classes, or the cycle group on Tuesday’s.

You can volunteer too, just talk with us for options.

…and if you simply want to be a ‘back pew’ person, we completely understand and welcome this too – Prue will pray for you (even if you don’t realise it) and if all you want to do is pop your head in secretly with no one around (the doors are always open from 8am-9.30pm each day) …but don’t be surprised to see a smiling Berryl, Shirley or Bruce popping about the place enjoying the peace of a homely place of St. Stephen’s.

YOU are the church!