Whats On @ StStephens

Every day, the ministry team are operating and are contactable. They are preparing music, planning sermons, connecting with people and providing pastoral care. The team and many others are adapting their work and increasing their ministry as the world and the needs of people change.



9 AM Traditional 45min service, Holy Communion, Musical Worship, Fellowship, Coffee)

Every Sunday after service, there is a 'Songs of Praise' time for gathering, listening, or joining in with an extended time of musical worship.

5 PM Service on the Sofa (SOS)

An informal and accessible service for all ages. Please join us for an Alpha style devotion, sharing, discussion, testimony, fellowship & coffee service.
We can go on for dinner afterwards.



A midweek discussion group (in person)



Games, Alpha, Food, Camp Fires, Fun, Fellowship, Music


There are dance groups, therapy groups, yoga groups, painting sessions, music, and performing arts, including Latino Dancing across the entire week – please consult the website for more information.


There are available times for 1:1 pastoral support and prayer with the Priest and the Pastoral Team – again, please just contact the website or telephone 0435 767 867.


There are many opportunities to volunteer around the parish – from basic and skilled admin, cleaning, assisting at the op shop, the community gardens, maintenance, gardening, support with the groups – Please just ask.

Ministry Leadership Team

  • Bronwyn Stephens, Ministry Lead for Community (ASLM)

  • Elsa Carr, Ministry Lead for Alternative Services & Prayer Ministry

  • Mitchell Toy, Ministry Lead for Youth

  • Jan Kefford, Ministry Lead for Prayer & Pastoral Care

  • Prue Molnhar, Ministry Lead for Practical Pastoral Care

  • Philip Higgins, Ministry Lead for Spiritual Direction

  • David Nettlebeck is welcomed as our latest Honorary Lay Leader

DeCycles and Run Club

The cycling group continues whatever the weather, 8.30 am Tuesday’s. It’s a time for espresso, fellowship, and speed!

The run club is also gaining momentum, a small group meets at the church every Saturday 7.45 am for espresso then run (anything up to 2 hrs+), all abilities welcome at individual pacing.

New art and craft groups are starting (date to be advised)

Boomerang bags, Art group, Latin Dance, Movement, Pilates - Please ask for more details.

Youth Group

…is booming! Can you spare 1 or 2 hrs on a Friday to assist with basic games and crafts for the younger children’s group (9-12s)?

Quietly does it, …no one need know!

It is not spoken of… but people have individual programs that are quietly and personally tailored to their activity, vocation, or spiritual needs. You might like some of the things going on in the church and less of other things, so why not speak to the Priest to see how a special package of purpose and vocation might just be the right thing for you!