Team @ St Stephens



OCCUPATION : At St Stephens since 2017. Recently appointed as Vicar Incumbent.

CHURCH: Raised in the Church of England. I am thrilled to see how God uses us to reach one another in may ways. I am passionate about all churches , people and communities coming together - being stronger together.

PERSONAL: married to Elsa, we have three children in our lives – Zola, Pacha, Zedekiah. We are all quite sporty apart from Elsa. We have a multi-cultural home, a love for people and communities and similar visions for ministry and sharing God’s word.

I hope for continued transformation for all, and that everyone realises they have a place and purpose in life!


Creative Ministry


OCCUPATION : At St Stephens my role is in developing new ministries. Main employment at Alfred Health Psychiatric Unit.

CHURCH: I have been involved in prayer and woman’s ministries, and leadership positions across Anglican Churches and I am currently exploring ordination in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne. I believe that Church isn’t just bricks n mortar, the impact of lockdown has alerted us to how ‘we’ are all the body of Christ and the ‘church’ is amazingly strong wherever we are.

PERSONAL: Giving out is what I love, but realising that we have a God who longs to fill us up takes effort and peace – crucial and worth it. What Paul and kids don’t always realise is that I’m the one whose always cheering them on and at the finish line

I hope to never loose my love of coffee or the love and peace that I find in family, friends, and God …that’s my marathon!


Spiritual Direction


OCCUPATION, retired - parish youth worker, secondary school teacher, Anglican clergyman.

CHURCH INVOLVEMENT: Having the opportunity to share thoughts on our relationship with God and how God communicates with us.

PERSONAL: Married to Margie, 3 adult sons. Two grandchildren at present.
Interests include walking, gardening, attending concerts and church life.

I hope that people will be less self centred during the pandemic and have greater respect for others

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Community Ministry,


OCCUPATION: Retired but busier than ever for the lats 10 years. Previous career nursing- enjoyable in a different way.

CHURCH INVOLVEMENT: Is a joy - when Youth need food, being part of small group study or prayer, music worship - deep and prayerful and part of Music Team another joy. Every Church needs a Treasurer.

PERSONAL: Mark my bloke, 3 beautiful kids - all adults and in different states of Australia. I am delighted with their maturity, sense of fun and their connection with us all. A grandson on the way and I give thanks.

I hope that we can be an outwardly focused Community, loving each other through Christ

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Honorary Lay Minister


OCCUPATION: Retired English Teacher (since 1960 !) Various roles including a stint in Tanzania at a Teacher’s College for African primary teachers and 2 international schools. Taught in outback South Australia and 3 schools in Melbourne. Now some volunteering teaching of migrants.

CHURCH INVOLVEMENT: Anglican always – earliest memory is at a small country asbestos church in SA clutching a brass penny while we sang ‘Hear the Pennies dropping, listen as they fall, you belong to Jesus, Children of the Lord’ and then being very reluctant to let go of my penny as the bowl came around.

PERSONAL: 3 children, 7 grandchildren, gym when there is no COVID, gardening and occasional geriatric tennis.

I hope that a;; feel good to be part of an actual community at St Stephens


Pastoral Care Ministry


OCCUPATION: Retired. Worked in church agencies in England and Europe mainly in post war refugee relief.

CHURCH INVOLVEMENT: In Scotland where I was brought up worked in church agencies. Wonderfully welcomed five years to St Stephens I have played an active role which has recently focused on pastoral care.

PERSONAL: A close family, three sons and four grandchildren, two families in Australia and one on Canada.

I hope all feel welcome to share in our deep spirit filled intention to fulfill the mission to which our Lord has called us


Lay Ministry


OCCUPATION: Retired Social Worker also worked as a Hospital Chaplain and first employment was a Medic in Navy. 

CHURCH INVOLVEMENT: Hon Lay Minister, Member of Pastoral Care Team and Parish Council

PERSONAL: 3 children, 4 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. I love family times, reading, gardening, walking and live theatre.

My hope is for world peace and for everyone to experience peace that surpasses all understanding

Honorary Lay Minister


OCCUPATION: Retired Computer Scientist. Now give an occasional talk about IT related topics.

CHURCH INVOLVEMENT: Over the years: Pastoral Care, Church Warden, Synod Representative, Authorised Lay Minister leading services at both Church and Nursing Homes.

PERSONAL: 2 Children and 2 Granddaughters. Cycling when the weather allows and walking occasionally. My hope is to keep spreading the word of the Lord at Church, in Pastoral Care and anywhere I can, but especially at St Stephens.


OCCUPATION: Retired Cardiac Nurse, volunteer at Johnston Collection and State Library.

CHURCH INVOLVEMENT: Attended St Stephens for 12 years and I feel very connected to this lovely community with its caring and Christian values.

PERSONAL: Two children, David and Sarah and four grandchildren all of whom are well acquainted with St Stephens.

My hope I can play a useful part in the Pastoral Care team at the church and a support to those in need within our community and beyond.

Pastoral Care Ministry